The increase in cyber attacks, theft or hijacking of data and the various threats that lurk in the technological environment confirm the success of Hitt Group’s decision to certify two and a half years ago in ISO 27001. This is the international standard describing best practices for an information security management system.

Implementing the demanding requirements of this seal in Dingus and Etoolinnovation has implied and implies, day to day, to preserve the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information by applying a risk management process that gives all parties (customers, suppliers, allies, workers, etc …) full confidence in the proper management of risks.

The Information Security Management System (ISMS) on which ISO 27001 is built is currently at companies that, like ours, are dedicated to ICT services and highly committed to the security and internal control of data customers.

An ISMS improves the reliability and security of the information systems, guaranteeing with the internal processes of management that the measures are operative and fulfilling its mission. It is a strategy of selection of measures based on the profitability and robustness of the solutions that are chosen under the premise of its efficiency, rather than its cost. In addition, in the continuous effort to improve security we are focused on growing cybersecurity, thanks to future certifications for the treatment of credit cards (PCI-DSS) for remain pointers in ensuring the maximum possible information security. It is one of the most valuable assets for any modern company.

So after all these months of work, with which we continue, we reaffirm our willingness to be extremely scrupulous in the treatment of information, contributing to our clients an added value in the present moment, and in the commitment for the security in such a sensitive aspect as this. We hope that the tandem ‘technological solutions + security’ that we offer and for which we bet, will allow all our portfolio of clients a good season of summer 2017.