Screens, tablets and various computer equipment adapted to the needs of users of the Es Siurell day centre of the Balearic Islands Cerebral Palsy Association (Aspace) is the planned investment this year with the money raised at Hitt Group. One more Christmas the staff of the group companies (Dingus and Etoolinnovation) have bet for solidarity when buying Christmas gifts made by Aspace users.

From the collective, the director of Es Siurell (Macu Moreno) recalls that the association “supports and facilitates the project of life of people with cerebral palsy and related disabilities. In this sense, artistic expression enhances personal, social, cognitive and physical development, becoming a very significant area for the people who attend our day centre. Es Siurell offers theatre, painting, dance and ceramics activities… to cover the interest aroused by art aimed at achieving the personal objectives of each user”.

For all this, in the Christmas market at our facilities in the ParcBit, the technology park of Mallorca, we have repeated an initiative that last year was used to acquire an articulated bed for the socio-educational organization. On this occasion, the contribution of our’ technological’ family will be precisely for this type of material which, thanks to information technology, also facilitates Aspace’s integration tasks.

The association recalls that “the collaboration of companies such as Hitt Group shows an acknowledgement of the artistic work of the people who attend the Day Center, offering the possibility to see the culmination of all the work with the sale of the items made. Participation, standardisation and socialisation are fundamental principles for the inclusion of all people in society, and actions such as the one led by the group of ICT companies on an annual basis contribute to promoting equal opportunities for people with disabilities “.

At Hitt Group we intend to continue to focus part of our social responsibility on actions such as this, under the 2018 agreement with Aspace.