• During the last months, the heads of the different departments of Dingus and Etoolinnovation (Hitt Group) have devoted many sessions to training. But not just any training, but one that will allow them to exercise in a more efficient and effective way the leadership that organizations need today. Especially when teams are managed in highly competitive sectors and where the most valuable asset is people. We would like to share the experience, with a highly positive assessment, from an expert point of view and alien to our own considerations. How was the course for the expert that allowed the development of the managerial skills of our managers? Let him tell it in the first person…

One of the things managers are expected to do is to identify and use all of their company’s resources in order to obtain the best possible results within the context in which they are embedded. Undoubtedly, by putting the people who make up the company and therefore the work teams at the centre, managers must understand the relationship between the way they manage people and the performance they can get from them.

Identifying, understanding the meaning and learning the elements of true leadership is basic and determinant for the success or failure of organizations.

Specifically, it is crucial for organizational survival in highly competitive environments, as well as for the capitalization of opportunities and the implementation of strategic changes that ensure the continued viability of the company.

In undertaking this task, many questions arise: what is good people management?. What are the keys or pillars in leadership and teamwork?. What kind of decisions have to be made in this area?. Should the whole team be treated equally, or is there a methodology that helps me understand each person and get the most out of them, making their worth grow?. How can I motivate, develop and retain the collective talent that an organisation needs to achieve its objectives?. What should I do to minimise conflicts and be able to mediate and resolve them?. And how do I encourage teamwork and align it with the company’s purpose?.

The training “Route to Excellence”, Development of managerial skills and Coaching that has been designed for Hitt Group, has sought to answer these and many other questions through learning. The different concepts dealt with in the classes have been worked on, so that through debate and sharing moments of learning, inspiration and deep reflection will be created, providing the team of managers with the most effective tools when it comes to making each participant’s abilities emerge, maximising their power of influence and development, through the implementation of action plans that have been set in motion between sessions applying the concepts worked on.

As a coach, my assessment of those attending the training action is excellent, not only because of the interest they have shown, but also because of their dedication to the sessions, their energetic and active participation in the debates, and how little by little they have gone from being a heterogeneous group to a homogeneous team, overcoming their resistances and breaking their paradigms and limitations. It is also worth noting the progress made through self-reflection based on their  behaviour and the feedback received. With all this they have been able to enhance their capabilities and readapt their areas of improvement in order to lead their teams, creating a working environment in which to enhance the growth of all its members and seeking alignment with all departments of the company, whose results I am confident to see soon.

It has been a pleasure to have the opportunity to work with Hitt Group, an unforgettable experience and personal and professional growth for me too. Thank you for your drive and energy.

Víctor Peña

Víctor Peña

Founder of http://coachingparalaexcelencia.com/

Certified Senior Professional Coach

Development of Managerial Skills