The continuous improvement, process and customer management, is both one of our maxims and a target. The main lever on which we work to achieve this is the improvement in the management of the processes related to the organization’s own employees.

Choose well and properly what is the best profile to load information in our systems, who is to perform a detailed analysis of data and processes and make decisions about the analyzed information, who has a greater and genuine interest in care and provide service to the customer, etc… It is crucial to any company’s services and, therefore, for us.

Therefore the direction of Dingus, in collaboration with expert – system distributor consulting firm Predictive Index in Spain – has decided to incorporate into the management model a system which helps to identify, objectively and rigorous, the natural behavior of persons working in the organization.

This method allows, through a very rapid, valid and reliable questionnaire scientifically, obtain relevant information about the motivation of the person, why acts in a way specific or has certain behaviors.

So we can understand what that person do when it comes to making decisions, delegate, and communicate… what are their main needs and therefore what job can be more effective and feel more accomplished, applying their conduct naturally. It also enables the managers have a greater knowledge of the equipment and better targeting these people, make decisions more successful and higher probability of success. In short, it allows us to understand and make decisions about jobs with greater rigour and objectivity, with the impact that this implies in our service and by extension in our business. And also directly influencing motivation, self-fulfilment and self-esteem of each employee, and therefore its results.

Dingus can say that it is at the forefront of managing people, betting on a model focused on recognition of each one of the professionals of the company, taking into account their needs and personal motivations. In the words of Jaume Monserrat and Juan Tomás Verdera, CEO and CFO respectively, “we now better understand each of our professionals and how to optimally manage any process related to them, either a selection, promotion, assessment or even the address of a team. So far, us driving a flashlight which helped us to perform these processes in the most appropriate way possible with this system have much more light and are able to understand and also respond much better to our employees and therefore to our customers”.